Sunday 24 January 2016

Week #1 - EDUC5101G Responses to Posts

Michelle's Post:

Hi Michelle! Wow, you have a very interesting curriculum at Durham. I can see why your classes fill up quickly, you have me hooked! Would love to chat with you about your online teaching at Durham and I can see why this M.Ed program would provide ideas and best practices for you. You are correct in that employers are always looking for that critical thinking capability in their people - I know is is gaining popularity in my workplace.


Dave's Post:

Hi Dave! I think we were in one other course together in this program – always glad to see a familiar name/face and look forward to working with you in this program. Love the pic of your pug – sooo cute! I also have a little dog named Dodger – he is a shih-poo – he is very much a lap dog. I have also taken the Online Technology in Education course (first semester) – learned so much about the various digital technologies that can be effectively used for learning – used the WordPress blogging platform in that course, and also like it. I chose to use Blogger for this course as I used it for a more recent course. So many opportunities for us as educators – it will great gathering more ideas to take back to the workplace.


Joseph's Post:

Hi Joe! Great to be working with you again on another fabulous M.Ed course - us York Region folks need to stick together! Sounds like we both want to integrate more technology into our learning programs. I saw Star Wars over the holidays and have to admit, I did enjoy it - even though I'm not Star Wars crazy, like yourself :)

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